Dec 5, 2014

How I rate puzzles

I would like to explain how I will evaluate puzzles.
I will assess each puzzle in the following four categories:

Idea: How I find the general idea of the puzzle? Is it something new and original, which impresses me a lot, or something ordinary and usual?
1 - awful idea, no need to have such a puzzle
2 - simple idea
3 - normal idea, nothing special
4 - good idea
5 - excellent idea
6 - extraordinary, very original and one of a kind

Implementation: This is all about the design of the puzzle and its looks. Appealing and elaborate one is more fancy for me than simple or made of rough material or even such that breaks easily.
1 - poor design
2 - bad design
3 - normal design - nothing special
4 - good design
5 - excellent design
6 - I love it in every aspect

Experience: My experience with the puzzle. Did it got on my nerves, or was it pleasure to play with it? Is it worth sharing with other people?
1 - I don't want to see this puzzle any more
2 - I would not enjoy solving this puzzle one more time
3 - It got on my nerves once or twice, but I can stand it
4 - It was fun playing with it
5 - I like it very much; glad it is in my collection
6 - Extremely marvellous! I would recommend it to everyone

Difficulty: What is the difficulty of the puzzle according to me? This is all about the solution. Was I able to solve it on my own, or did I fail at finding the right solution? How much time it took me to solve it? (Here the time is just tentative.)
1 - very easy, quickly solved
2 - easy, quickly solved
3 - medium, average time to solve
4 - hard, took some time to solve
5 - very hard, solved it in a long time
6 - impossible to solve, even with a hint

And I will give one final rating:
Overall: My overall satisfaction of the puzzle. Based on the four above - a weighted average.

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